
When God Works Your Future Before The Influencers are Even Born – “Thank you, my friends”

When I was 13, my parents and I started going to a campground, which birthed a lifelong friendship between the owners’ extended family and us. One of the family members had her first child the second year, and she immediately crept into my heart like a daughter or a baby sister. Little did I know, … Continue reading When God Works Your Future Before The Influencers are Even Born – “Thank you, my friends”

Get On With Changing

You’ve created the strategic vision, mission, outcomes, and strategies, so everyone should be ready to go!  You’ve distributed a digital copy, a paper copy, and it’s on your website. You’re tweeting and blogging about it and talking about it at every employee meeting. Every department has their piece of it.  Everyone has the deadline dates.  … Continue reading Get On With Changing

Reframing Success as Leaders

It used to be the teacher, the preacher, and the house-calling doctor were the most respected professions in a town. These perceptions were not based on money but upon the contribution to the community. Ask the doctors who used to be paid in chickens and flour. Success as we define it in our culture now … Continue reading Reframing Success as Leaders

When It Comes Back To You

Leaders work on a daily basis in ways that those who are partners rarely have a complete understanding.  While we succeed through full partnership and collaboration, we are often working years ahead visioning and making the dominoes fall in the interim with our partners. We are most fortunate when everyone sees the same picture and … Continue reading When It Comes Back To You

Creating the Magic

Innovation, breakthroughs, stellar sales, growth, strategic leaps; we yearn for those moments when it all comes together. Whether it’s a scientist who through years of observation, in an instant, spots what is now the obvious solution or the writer who has conducted painstaking historical research to author the masterpiece; or the sports team that has … Continue reading Creating the Magic

Where Leadership Begins

While everyone has lots of tryptophan running through their systems from extra helpings of turkey, we feel cozy and safe wrapped in the warmth of our family’s presence during the holiday season. When we come together with all of our glorious differences, we recognize the dynamics of life we have to negotiate during even the … Continue reading Where Leadership Begins

When It Works

I’ve had the distinct pleasure and honor to partner with leaders of a variety of organizations and companies. Where there is vision and passion mixed with competency, drive, and resources; there is an unmistakable flow and repetitive success that builds on each incremental improvement and achievement.  The momentum accelerates. More people want to buy, participate, … Continue reading When It Works

Your Life’s Open Rate

Anybody involved in business today knows that communication with the customer requires getting above the noise of everything flooding at us – tweets, video, RSS feeds, blogs, digital newsletters, streaming content, texts, and targeted emails.  It’s all about SEO maximization, pushing content and open rates.  An open rate gives you an idea of whether your … Continue reading Your Life’s Open Rate