3-D Strategy

I see it every day – companies, organizations, and leaders, choosing to live 2-D strategy to accomplish visions for their future, instead of a vibrant 3-D experience. Sometimes, we choose because we don’t know how. The muscles for risk tolerance, innovation, & creativity have not been developed. We need to place ourselves in educational and … Continue reading 3-D Strategy

Top 5 Ways to Build Your Leadership Development Playbook

Every year, there is another list of leadership skills one must have in order to be successful.   Executive presence. Change leadership. Technological savvy. Strategic insight. Public speaking. Collaborative style. Charisma. Team Building….and on and on it goes. Strikingly, some of the latest research indicates that introverts have the edge on extroverts in leadership. What are … Continue reading Top 5 Ways to Build Your Leadership Development Playbook

Catastrophizing Your Way to Success!

The big opportunity has presented itself. You’ve been offered the dream promotion you’ve worked so hard for, and you nervously accept it. Or your company gets the opportunity to do the joint venture with the big name partner with which you’ve always wanted to be associated. In a split second, it starts. What if I’ve … Continue reading Catastrophizing Your Way to Success!


It’s that time of year! People all over the world have lists of New Year’s Resolutions – the things they’ve committed to paper that they’re going to change. For some it’s a long list of things that they want to be different. For others, it’s one focused behavior that they’ve pledged to change. Within weeks, … Continue reading Effort

All is Calm, All is Bright

It’s that time of year, when we WISH all was calm and bright, as we rush to wrap up the year, get plans in place for the next year, and run from one holiday party to another. Leaders and employees are struggling with overwhelm.  The sands are shifting beneath our feet.  We’re trying to get … Continue reading All is Calm, All is Bright

The Vulnerability of Certainty

“That’s MINE!” “I KNOW I’m right.” “Of COURSE that doesn’t make any sense.” “Why would we start doing it THAT way?” From childhood to the boardroom we utter our declarations of certainty. So sure we’re right, we miss what’s in front of us. So important in our position, we fail to examine the data that … Continue reading The Vulnerability of Certainty

Pointless Planning Retreats

Millions of dollars are spent annually flying some of the brightest minds and dedicated leaders around the world to engage for a day or two in windowless rooms to “create the new strategic plan.” Eyes glaze over as board members or business leadership teams contemplate the “exercise” of planning, while seeing their existing execution lists … Continue reading Pointless Planning Retreats

Ignore This at Your Peril

Succession planning is a term that gets thrown around and can mean a lot of different things. There is the orderly succession planning that happens when you expect to run your business until retirement, and you give thought to an ESOP, selling your business, or passing it on to your children. I’ve watched some very … Continue reading Ignore This at Your Peril